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Property Investment Strategists Adelaide

If you would like to find out more about how Power of Property can make buying an investment property easy, please feel free to call Michael Lawton on 0407 785 560 or Danielle Charlton on 0411 268 795 or you can send us a message here.

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    Book a property strategy session at a time that suits you

    If you want to know more about what we do at Power of Property, or you simply want to find out how to invest in property and what is required to be able to make the most of real estate investing, then the best way is to arrange a free, one-on-one strategy session.

    One of our experienced property strategists will meet with you remotely via a Zoom video call or if you prefer, can come to your home or office at a time that suits you to talk you through our range of services, and show you how straightforward it can be to grow a property portfolio.

    These strategy sessions are suitable for both experienced investors who want more out of their existing portfolio, as well as for first-time investors who aren’t sure if they are able to invest or how to get started.

    • Your one-on-one appointment can be arranged at a time that is convenient for you. We are happy to meet you remotely via a Zoom video call, at home, your place of work, or any other location that works for you.

    • You’ll have all your questions answered by an experienced property strategist.

    • We’ll demonstrate the ways in which you can invest in property with your current salary.

    • We’ll work with you to devise a personalised property investment strategy that takes into account your financial circumstances, your investment goals and your risk profile.

    • You’ll learn how you can acquire four investment properties with guaranteed rent, all within the next 10 years.

    • You’ll learn how you can pay off your mortgage in as little as 7 years potentially saving hundreds of thousands of dollars in interest.

    • You’ll receive recommendations about strategic property opportunities that are open to you now.